WordPress menu is something very useful if you do it right. It has been a replacement for “Links” (if you still remember it) since the introduction on version 3.0.

Not all WordPress users know this features or do they understand how it works. Honestly, there are still room of improvement for WordPress menu especially on the ease of use. Anyhow, we will be taking a look into WordPress menu on this post.

Basic WordPress Custom Menu

Create WordPress menu

By default WordPress will create a menu with all pages you have.

The Pages, Links and Categories

Create WordPress menu

A lot of WordPress users missed this little detail: You can have Pages, Custom Link and Category on your menu.

Drag and Drop

Create WordPress menu

Drag-and-drop is the key feature of menu. This will help you create menu easier and faster.

Locate for submenu

Create WordPress menu

You can drag and have an indent in front, this will create a sub menu. The parent menu will be what’s above the sub menu.

Click and expand

Create WordPress menu

Click to expand the menu, there you can customize the label, change the attribute name and etc.

Adding link to WordPress menu

Create WordPress menu

Adding pages to WordPress menu

Create WordPress menu

Adding custom link to WordPress menu

Create WordPress menu

Adding category to WordPress menu

Final step

Create WordPress menu
Create WordPress menu

It is important to scan all the little detail in Custom Menu page, that is why many user get confused when they come into Custom Menu page. Hopefully this basic how-to will help you create the best menu for your WordPress site.